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 is it gud to marry with girl of other religon/caste?

polar bear is MAST3RofPUPPYS  (11 years ago)

nah ... its not a prob for marry .. (11 years ago)

agree with polar bear`s opinion  (11 years ago)

i think its ok.,i agree with rodayao  (11 years ago)

 (12 years ago)

WoW, I'm facing this problem .. I'm Christian and my boyfriend is Hindu. I'm brazilian girl and he's indian guy, we love so much each other and he already did the ASK 'marry me?'. At first time I don't accept for to know his culture and religion, but he keep asking me and at 8th I accept but I talked with about it. I know what he is doing isn't right acording to his culture and religion but we are strong and he said will face every trouble in the way and everyone is against for marry me! So the coclusion about it, if you really love she/he you will face the world to live with she/he, of course still exist people think different but love don't see color, race, condition, religion, culture, country, beauty .. Only to see the beloved people and to find on she/he the own happiness and that's what matter. We have to be happy with who we will pass all rest of ours lives.  (12 years ago)

If one marries a girl of other religion then he should have that much courage to face the society and their parents. As everyone said, it is not bad to marry in other religion, but at the same time u have be ready for the challenges before and after marriage because there r expectations that u will be opposed. (12 years ago)

in my point of view marry with another rilgon boy/girls is right..but it,s also a fact that types of marege never accept by our socity (12 years ago)

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (12 years ago)

To my undstd is nt bd to marry 4rm other religiou (12 years ago)

which yo telling thats truth... I knew it by my personal experience... I loved a girl from childhood tym not loved still love her... she was muslim and Im hindu brahmin... but she left me and got married... as an excuse she said that she wasnt so powerful that she could fought wid our orthodox socity... hah!!! after i didnt try to fol in lov... but always try to help out other lovers.... (^_^)... (12 years ago)

hmmm yo'r ryt.... (12 years ago)

I'm not coming here to tell that is Bad or Good..I'm also not against love marriage because my marriage also love marriage only.. But, we should analyse this matter from two sides.. We've to live our materialistic life with our socity only.. According to me, 90%of love marriages struggle to sustain against this socity.. Even When the lovers get succeed in their life by getting marriage with their beloved ones, their children get a bad treatment by this stupid socity.. By the by.. PHOENIXBAALAA is my another id.. (12 years ago)

I'm not coming here to tell that Bad or Good..I'm also not against love marriage because my marriage also love marriage only.. But, we should analyse this matter from two sides.. We've to live our materialistic life with our socity only.. According to me, 90%of love marriages struggle to sustain against this socity.. Even When the lovers get succeed in their life by getting marriage with their beloved ones, their children get a bad treatment by this stupid socity.. By the by.. PHOENIXBAALAA is my another id.. (12 years ago)

im not telling that yo are wrong... yor views are right... no comments there... i saw that... even when same caste boy n girl wanna love marrige then many probelm come in front of them ...im just telling that marry wid a boy or girl of another religion is not BAD... becoz i believe that if you wanna love your religion then 1st love the other's... (^_^)  (12 years ago)

But, there will be 1%of fear about your marriage because of your family may oppose your marriage.. There are many differences between fall in love with an other religion/cast girl and getting married the other religion/cast girl.. In 1st case we won't see anything as against to us.. But in 2nd case everything will be against us except our love and lover.. (12 years ago)

when we love some one we do not ask our parents or socity  (12 years ago)

Most of the marriages are done by the parents as one of the duties to their children.. And they also know more about the problems in Love marriage because our socity always search something to chew.. As I said earlier, We cann't rout out the caste/religion from our socity.. And the parents see this matter as a prestige issue.. (12 years ago)

Most of the marriages are done by the parents as one of their duty to their children.. And they also know more about the problems in Love marriage because our socity always search something to chew.. As I said earlier, We cann't rout out the caste/religion from our socity.. And the parents see this matter as a prestige issue.. (12 years ago)

you getting marry wid some one.... means yo going to sharing yor life wid someone ... don't think about the caste ... think about yo can share yor life wid her or not ... and yo are thinking to marry wid a girl of another caste its mean you love her... and love has no caste ..... take care  (12 years ago)

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